So, I just got done with part two of my three part study of hell. I had three big projects at work that were basically all due today. I'm not sure how that worked out the way it did. I'm pretty sure it was because I am going on vacay tomorrow. Also I had a six page paper due for school today (which I actually started early woo hoo). So my day has basically been: woke up and proofread my paper, off to work for 8 hours of 'is it done yet is it done yet', off to school for discussion of hinduism, and now back home for 'finish my project' for work. I guess that's really only two parts since it's just work and school. Oh yeah, I also have a pregnant wife and two foster kids that I didn't really get to say goodbye to before we leave for florida. It may sound like I'm complaining, I'm not. I'm really just waiting for aimes to pick me up from school. ok she's here. I can't wait to be in florida tomorrow.
Oh, I got up at 3 this morning with a sick stomach. Blarg.
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How To Propagate Succulents
5 days ago
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