I know, it's tuesday. Between getting back in the groove at work and reading/writing papers for school tuesday is about the first tome I get to think about my weekend. I had hoped to get some home improvements out of the way this weekend (since, of course, my gators weren't playing) but didn't get around to it. I hate that saturday always just turns into a day where I have to try and recover from the week. I have started exercising again and am trying to eat a little better in hopes that this will improve my overall feeling about life. It is bad enough that I don't feel good most of the time, but it is starting to get to me mentally. I think a big part of it is just lonliness. I have Aimee, of course, but with the pregnancy and school work and church stuff, it seems like we just take turns being home and awake. I think it had a lot to do with being back in Florida and being with my family and friends there. Take the wedding, it is weird that I can still feel like part of a family that I really haven't been close to in 5 years (and isn't really my family) but out here I always feel like an outsider. I don't know if it's a southern thing but you just automatically become part of the family when you become good friends. It's calling Matt's mom 'Momma' and her sister 'Aunt Cathy'. It's remembering stuart as the little kid with aluminum foil guns that would ambush me when I would just show up at the house. It's Sunday dinner with the Steels just because we were working on a car with Brian (or wrestling in the front yard). I don't know.
Anyways, that was weird. So I was in a funk Sunday and didn't really feel good after Church, so I decided I was going to take the kids to a new worship service at a church near our house. It was kind of lame in the way new church services are-but I loved it. I loved the sermon. I loved the people. I loved something new. What is it about nostalgia and lonliness that drives us to try new things? I dunno, but I think we're going to go back next week. We shall see.
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How To Propagate Succulents
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